How Google+ Shake Search Results?

Along with all the up-dated features of Google like Panda and penguin, Google+ has proved a strong impact on search results. The exciting feature is that it focuses on non personalized results. More the connection has been constructed in several ways for impacting search results. Just have a look.
  • Matter of Personalization: - The fact is very clear that if someone is following you on Google+, there is a high chance of visibility of your posts and updates on Google search results. For better convenience you may observe the following.
When four people are followed on Google+, the rank has been shown on position 2 in organic search result, but in incognito search it has been ranked at no 12. This is a better impact of personalized search result. There is no doubt if you can build a strong follower or audience on Google+, there will be a good impact on ranking. The reason behind this is that People who follow anyone will be eager to see the respective posts or content. You can also build such connection by exchanging contacts or Gmail.
  • Google+ Determines Non-Personalized Rankings: - The above analysis may constitute the fact that there is no certain impact of Google+ for non-personalized ranking. In such content there are no any internal or external links. As a matter of fact there will be no impact of Google+ shared links over ranking.
Besides that when it is mingled with other signals, there may be an impact over ranking. Though it is impossible to prove organically, there may be some impact over ranking as some links in Google+ are followed. Google is promoting page rank and Hummingbird for experimenting natural language queries. Basically hummingbird has been launched as a complete package of Google search engine algorithm. This is the way to process rather than links and in a better way to utilize the social links.
  • The interaction of Google+ with SERP: - with the interaction of SERP Google+ goes beyond personalization. Look on the following search results and there will be clear idea regarding this.
The above search has been made with incognito mode and the second search result has been made through YouTube video on a hangout on air event. Hence this is a powerful staff though the people are not logged in and the content is created in Google+ ranking results.
  • Author ranking: - Author ranking is an important matter of ranking. Suppose two authors have posted the same thing on Google+ pages. But the search results will be refined on the basis of profile personality and may be on the basis of posting date. If there is a shopping related search then the same will be filtered on the basis of most popular brands. There will be no impact of relevancy with Google+.
  • Some operating procedures of Google+:-Google is working hard to improve the search engine algorithms. You must see how the following is operated by Google to implement a better search result.
Here is the attachment of three different people. The 1st person is a regular user of Google+ sharing contents and comments on a regular basis. Many people are linked with them by placing comments and lots of sharing. With activity of others this person is getting tons of popularity. The 2nd person is equally involved with the process, but do not upload or share lots of content. As a matter of fact this person there is a low level interaction with others. The 3rd person is most popular one but has not used Google+ yet. Besides that this user has a strong exposure. So, now what should Google do? It cannot punish the third one as the person has already acquired a better popularity. The first person must be at the top of the search results. But the comparison will start between the 1st and 2nd person. Instead of all these Google+ will use signals from outside determine the visibility of the 3 rd person. There is a strong confusion how Google will gather such signals to determine the 3rd one, but there is no possible way except this. Conclusion: - So, we can see that there is a hidden measure to determine such non personalized results, It can be imagined that there must be a page rank flow. In fact one has to be enrolled with Google+ for better ranking and visibility as there are strong reasons for the same, if anyone is not branded or most popular. Except all these it is very clear that there will be a strong impact of Hummingbird to determine the non personalized results. Consider all of the above and leave your responses regarding the issue.

By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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