Optimize your Content Using Google Analytics Behavior Report

Have you ever heard of such term behavior report? If the answer is negative, you have to know this as early as possible as this is the tool where you can get the marks-sheet of your site. Through Google analytics you will be able to discover the contents that are working best and the conversion rates on your site. Visitors always prefer quality content. To choose and make some edit you need a special tour of this tool. To make the issue clear like water, I have structured this article. You should have a look. Start with Google Analytics: - You should still experience the clicks mad by the visitors on your page. To access this, you have to start with the tool by clicking on the menus directed by the snap. There is a menu called Google analytics dashboard and under which the sub menu Behavior is available.

In the behavior section there will be nine menus and each of them has different functions. You need to make an elaborate study of the same.
  • Overview: - This menu generally represents the amount of traffic to your site as well as the additional metrics. Here, I have framed the list of data that you will find in this section.
1. Page Views: - This includes the number of pages viewed. If a single page is viewed multiple times there will be the account of the same. Moreover, each page view or click is counted here. 2. Unique Page Views: - Here are the records of unique page views. If a user has viewed a single page for a multiple time, it will be counted as a single view. The metrics have been prepared on the basis of URL+ Page title combination. 3. Time on Page: - The average amounts of time spend on a page. 4. Bounce Rate: - How many people have come to your site and returned back for another search. 5. Exit: - The number of users who left from a page or a set of pages. It is provided in percentage.


  • Behavior Flow: - The behavior flow will direct you the path used by the visitors to visit different pages of your site.

Through this you will be able to know how much time the users have spent and where the query got the end.
  • Site Content: - Site content will provide you the details of visitors’ engagement. On different pages.
1. All Pages: - If you go for all pages there will be a summary of all the contents that have shown quality. You may check the overall revenue produced by the contents.

The all pages option is better to point out the quality content as which one need optimization or editing. The top pages are displayed on the basis of traffic, page views and average time spent on the pages. 2. Landing Pages: - This will inform about the entry page of the users. Landing pages are the first page where a user gets the entry. This will help you determine about the worthy page contents.

The pages which have encountered first by the users may prove important as they are the key point of leads or sales. 3. Content Drilling: - It will help you specify the important or worthy content of a folder or a page.

4. Exit Pages: - It will show the last page visited by the user before leaving your site. This page needs definite optimization.

Make sure that the contact form or customer linking method is clearly mentioned on those pages, so that both of the customers and site owners get information on each other.
  •  Site Speed: - This is the place where you will be able to know about the loading speed and user’s experience regarding that. The site speed section will clearly point out the sections that need better optimization to enhance site speed.
1. Site Speed Overview:- It will show the average load-time taken to load throughout the site

Here you can see that different matrices have been shown. They are like Average page load time, Average server response time, average page download time, Average redirecting time etc. All these are mentioned in the tool to specify the overall status of your site and loading time. By analyzing all the metrics you can improve page load time and page download time that the user should be happy with your. 2. Page Timing: - Page timing will show you the load time individually and you can separate here the pages on the basis of timing.

3. Speed Suggestions: - Speed suggestion will guide you how to optimize the site’s speed. This is the unique feature produced by Google. 4. User Timing: - It will help you find to measure how a specific element takes time and how the same affects user experience.
  • Site Search: - After several changes in Google it is quite hard now to access or find the organic keyword data. Still, there are some options that you will still find the organic keyword data.
1. Site Search Overview: - Through this you will be able to find the search items used by the visitors. There will also be the instance of the pages where the users initiated the search. 2. Usage: - It is to understand the effectiveness of the search box whether the search box is appreciating the users or not. If a user cannot find the desired result he/she may exit the page and that will be a reason of bounce rate. 3. Search Item: - The search item report will help you know the keywords used by the users and the same keywords should have to be better optimized. 4. Pages: - Here you can find the search oriented pages.
  • Events: - In the event section of Google analytics you will get the report of users special interactions like clicking on external links, image or video downloads. To experience the event report the first thing you have to do is that you have to set the event tracking code of your site. Next you can entertain all the following :-
1. Events Overview: - The overview report will show you the details of user’s interactions. It will be based on the value set up by you in the tracking code. Here you will be able to find the quick reports, number of events based on category, label and action.

2. Top Events: - The top events are those which have got the most user interactions and you will be shown the same in this report. Here, you can also experience the external links that are clicked most by the users.

Through the report of top events there will be a clear picture about the resources. The top event result is useful for the business owners and writers. Both can get an idea what people are interested at present. 3. Pages: - The pages will show you where the users are interacting the most with the events. You may have several portfolio pages and through this report you will be able to see the important portfolio made by you. Here you have to notice two different factors the most traffic and the most clicks. 4. Events Flow: - It will show the path taken by the users to reach the event.

On the above snap you may clearly see the direction and in this place you will be able to change the direction of the landing page as well as the other pages.
  •  Ad Sense: - You must make a link between Google ad sense account and analytics account if you have launched Google ad words advertising campaign for more visitors. After linking you will be able to view the following reports.
1. Ad Sense Overview: - Through this you will be able to discover the outcome from ad words or how much traffic has been attracted to the site after the campaign is launched. You will also get the detail of cost per click and revenue generated. 2. Ad Sense Pages: - Here the most revenue generating pages will be reported. 3. Ad Sense Referrers: - This report will show you the referred URLs that are bringing the users to your site after clicking on the ads.
  • Experiment: - You must know about A/B testing and this report will provide you the same. The picture will be practically clear which landing pages have capacity to meet your conversion goals. This will help guide you to edit and modify the landing pages for more potential visitors.
  • In page Analytics :- To use this feature you have install first the page analytics Google chrome extension and you can analyze your web pages along with Google analytics data. Here the most important thing that has to be determined is the link that has received the maximum clicks.

Here the view of your website helps you inform which part of the site has got the maximum clicks. So, these are all about the strategies and steps to know about the status of your site. All these are quite enough to consider all the data of your site and help you operate better in the optimization process. I want to know about your views. So, do not forget to leave your comments.

By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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