Real Estate SEO Guide for More Leads in 2015

According to a recent stat almost 85% of home-buyers prefer to transact online. Finding realtors have become easier online and the accurate descriptions of the properties along with snaps and videos made the buyer possible to take decision at a glance. More interestingly there is an increase of 253% online search in the field of real estate. Now you can clearly understand the current scenario of competition among the realtors online. If you have your site and it is not optimized well, it will never be able to make better business. Here, I have piled eight strategies that will surely help you out if you are in some trouble to get a better traffic. Have a look. 1. Launch keywords relevant to business location: - It has been found that most of the home buyers start for searching with a local keyword phrase. Suppose, anyone is searching for a house in Mexico, so the used phrases must be like Mexico real estate or Mexico realtors. So, the first thing you have to do is to specify where you are going make business or what your business target area will be. On the basis of that area you have to frame the keywords. I have structured a format for better convenience. You may follow the framing :-
  • (Location) homes for sell.
  • (Location) real estate.
  • (Location) realtors.
  • (Location) real estate listing.
These are all how to frame effective keywords that will place you at the top of the search result. 2. Other SEO practices: - Besides effective keyword framing there are other factors of search engine optimization which are to be kept under surveillance like Meta description, Title tag, Image description, Proper format of content and image, etc. 3. Make blog posts on real estate: - There may be lot of information about the projects you are working for. The homes that you are promoting for sell along with snaps and images are not enough to chase the competition. Your blog section needs quality content that will be engaged to bring satisfaction to the users. A user must analyze you before choosing as realtor. So, always try to post better quality content on your blog section related to real estate. Each blog post must follow or target a specific feature of real estate type or dealings. The content may deal with the subjects of exceptional features of an ideal home. 4. Better uses of image and Video: - Images and videos are the key objects to express anything. In this concern you should have the guidelines of proper format. The home buyers will definitely like to see a demo of their future house. If we opt for a comparison between image and video, a state has reflected that videos are more appreciated by the buyers as they bring practical feelings of a property. 5. Local business directories: - If you have listed your site in the famous search engines and think that it will bring enough traffic to the site, it is wrong. There are lot local business directories which will show your presence on the locality basis search. Suppose you are operating in Mexico and you come on search result made in Africa. There will be no outcome. Before listing on the local business directories you must read the guidelines that NAP should be appropriate and clear. blog section related to real estate Worthy information regarding the matter is that Zillow has registered a total of around 498 million page views in January 2014. So, join with such business directory to enhance your clients and business. 6. Check Mobile Friendliness: - As the transition has begun from desktop search to mobile search, you have to check the mobile suitability of your site. There are certain befits if your site has a satisfactory concern on mobile. Google has already announced mobile suitability as a ranking factor. So if your site has not the feature, it will be left behind. Make an experience of your site on a mobile device right now and make the strategies for optimization. 7. Social Media: - There is no supplementary way to establish a better relationship with your clients except the social media. A face book business page may place you in front of millions users. A linked-In business group can bring your voice among thousand realtors and clients. A regular tweet will make you closer with your existing clients. So, if you have not started yet, this the time to sign up. Ask your clients and other realtors to like and share your page and get more popularity. 8. Make a better approach on Broker’s site: - If you are a realtor and engage with a brokerage company, you must have a profile. Make your profile in such a way that new clients get attracted to you. There will be two benefits. First one is your popularity and second one is your company’s profit. The sub-domain of the brokerage house is great place to promote your name as a realtor. According to an expert you must put your full name in the title tag and Meta description. People will Google your name and the total benefit will lay upon you. Along with this you should use the bio page to place your contact information along with a link to your personal site. This will help guide the users to know about you. So, these are all about real estate SEO. At the begging of 2015 you must check all of this and implement a better and effective campaign for more clients and business. Do not forget to leave your responses. All the best.

By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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