Retaliation of the Advertisers on Google Doubling Its Adwords Budget

Retaliation of the Advertisers on Google Doubling Its Adwords Budget

Recently, Google has reported an important update rolling out a change to the manner Adwords budget can be used and it’s been taken as one of the most anti-advertisers changes made ever.

This update is on operation from October 4, 2017. By now the Google Adwords campaigns will be able to spend up twice the average daily budget to enable advertisers achieve their advertising goals, like clicks, conversions, etc., and the advertising community is not the least bit happy.

On the days with lots of high-quality traffic, ad costs could be up to 2 times of the daily budget. This expenditure is adjusted by days when ad spend is below daily budget.

However, the advertisers won’t be charged more than their monthly charging limit. The average number of days in a month will be multiplied by their average daily budget.

Retaliation from the Advertising Community

The reaction received by the advertisers is surprising. This change is not supposed to cost the advertisers more money and it will even enable these advertisers to reach their goal more reliably. But, the advertisers are seemed to be upset with the very idea of spending their monthly budget earlier than usual.

With the help of this Google update, if advertisers see a few really high traffic days early in the month, it is possible they spend through their budget well before the month is over. Of course, this would mean advertisements no longer be shown throughout the duration of the month.

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By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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