The Reasons that Renowned SEO Firms Do Not Boast About Guaranteed Ranking

A business owner may be wondered about the matter that the SEO firm is not assuring him for a guaranteed search engine ranking. Logically a business owner may argue with the matter that he/she is spending money, but there is no assurance of the same. Here, I am going to discuss the practical scenario that will help understand that the ranking cannot be assured. You must have a check.

  • SEO and Guarantees have Different Path: - Since the beginning period of SEO in 1996, millions of firms are engaged in the SEO support and they are continuously boasting that they can provide SEO ranking. The following taglines will make the picture clearer.
1. Our SEO software is a unique collection that will provide you assured ranking with automatic link exchanges and other optimization. (source) If you have a little knowledge of SEO, you may better understand that there has not been any effective outcome in the last ten years using this kind of software. In case of keywords ranking there are certain slogans used by the SEO firms. 2. We guarantee your 1st page position on search results.(source) 3. We will mingle your site with 100 different keyword phrases.(source) There is no doubt that it can be possible, but not in a guaranteed way. The SEO companies are using some better tactics to overwhelm the business owners. They launch certain keywords themselves for a respective site and place them on the search engine ranking. The reason to success is that these types of keywords are non competitive. Guaranteed ranking is not for any keywords for any domains, but it’s possible for few keywords with some specific websites. It is the matter of future that the keywords can gather certain traffic or not to the respective site. Basically SEO has its own way and trends where the term guarantee can hardly be used.
  • Rankings are not Stable Always: - If you are searching for a query, at the initial time you will got a certain position of a site in the search results, but if you have change the location to 50 km North or South, there will be a great change of the same. This re-order or replacements of ranking occur due to geo-location changes. So the talented and renowned SEO firms do not boast about stable ranking for a long time.


  • The Search Engine’s Warnings: - Your client must have a website and he/she is aware of the web status. If you have assured your client for a stable page rank, it will be a threat to you. Nothing is hidden in the industry. Google has clearly placed the fact, “No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.” If your clients have got the line, it will force him/her to think about your boastful pride.
  • Rankings are the Outcome of Overall Performance: - The ranking is measured by over all SEO campaign. If you are getting more traffic, it is very clear that your SEO is working well. Moreover you have to keep in mind the fact that most of the search volume is one base of demand curve. If your client has a better business model and providing resourceful information, there will surely be a boom for traffic because user can feel that the site can fulfill their desire.
  • Do not Promise anything that you cannot Perform: - Suppose a camera making company is boasting that their product will always bring beautiful pictures, it will be impossible. What the result will be if you click in a dark room or grey bushy. The same picture is here with SEO.
A SEO company can assured only betterment of ranking by certain percentage, but not a stable and particular position in the search results. A Juice making company make the same with the taste or beverages, but a SEO company do not. In this concern I may suggest the SEO firms who are making such promises that they should boast about better keyword ranking and about a particular stable place. You may guarantee your clients that they will be far happy with your service and nothing else. So, these are all about the relation between SEO and the term Guarantee. Now, you can easily distinguish the both. I want to hear your comments regarding the same. Do not forget to leave your responses.

By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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